Ulster | Encyclopedia.com (2024)


views updated May 21 2018

Ulster. The northern province of Ireland, comprising the counties of Antrim, Down, Armagh, Cavan, Monaghan, Fermanagh, Donegal, Tyrone, and Londonderry. It was dominated by Gaelic lords until the 17th cent.; the Normans under John de Courcy and Hugh de Lacy establishing a foothold in eastern Ulster in the late 12th and early 13th cents.: de Lacy was created earl of Ulster by King John in 1205. The Norman intrusion was both socially and geographically confined: Ulster remained the most Gaelic, and—from the perspective of English governors in Dublin—inaccessible part of Ireland until the plantation of 1609. The flight of the Gaelic lords in 1607 after the failure of Tyrone's rebellion opened the way to mass confiscations of land by the crown, and the redistribution of this property through a programme of colonization. The Ulster plantation embraced the six central and western counties of Ulster: an earlier plantation in Monaghan (1593) was allowed to stand, and the eastern counties, long characterized by informal British settlement, were also untouched. The destruction of Gaelic society continued during the Commonwealth, when massive confiscations occurred in eastern and southern Ulster: the Gaelic aristocracy was, by 1660, all but annihilated. The victory of the Williamite forces in Ireland by 1691 confirmed this territorial distribution, and opened the way to further British migration. However, the weak economic condition of Ireland at the beginning of the 18th cent. stemmed this tide, and indeed produced a flow of presbyterian emigrants. The mid- and late 18th cent. saw economic growth throughout most of Ireland, and at this time Ulster emerged as the centre of the Irish linen industry, Belfast developing as a significant industrial centre. The commercial success of especially eastern Ulster in the 19th cent., allied with the substantial British and protestant population, helped cut the region off from the rising nationalist fervour elsewhere in Ireland: by the time of the first Home Rule Bill (1886), there was broad support for the maintenance of a constitutional link with Britain. In 1920 the island was partitioned, with the six most unionist counties—the new Northern Ireland—obtaining a separate devolved parliament and government. This partition settlement was confirmed by the Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921, and by the Boundary Commission of 1925: it was further underwritten by the Ireland Act (1949), passed by the United Kingdom House of Commons after the declaration of a republic by Dublin in 1948. However, the dominant unionist social and political culture of Northern Ireland came under increasing challenge from the nationalist minority, benefiting from improved access to higher education, but still economically and culturally disadvantaged. Between 1969 and 1994, in the context of a low-grade civil war conducted between loyalist and republican paramilitaries and the Royal Ulster Constabulary and British army, an untenable position of unionist political predominance was gradually undermined. Although ‘Ulster’—the old provincial label is still sometimes applied to Northern Ireland—looks set to remain with Britain, it is probable that its governing institutions will more faithfully reflect its cultural and political diversity.

Alvin Jackson

The Oxford Companion to British History JOHN CANNON

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views updated May 23 2018

Ulster a former province of Ireland, in the north of the island; with Leinster, Munster, and Connaught one of the original four provinces, the ‘four green fields’ of Ireland. The nine counties of Ulster are now divided between Northern Ireland (Antrim, Down, Armagh, Londonderry, Tyrone, and Fermanagh) and the Republic of Ireland (Cavan, Donegal, and Monaghan). The name is also used generally for Northern Ireland, particularly in a political context.
Ulster King of Arms formerly the chief heraldic officer for Ireland; since 1943, the office has been united with that of Norroy King of Arms.

The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable ELIZABETH KNOWLES

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views updated May 18 2018

Ulster Most northerly of Ireland's four ancient provinces, consisting of nine counties. Since 1922, six of these counties have been in Northern Ireland, while Cavan, Donegal, and Monaghan form Ulster province in the Republic of Ireland. Area: 8012sq km (3092sq mi). Pop. (1996) 234,251 (Republic).

World Encyclopedia

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views updated Jun 08 2018

ulster (U-) king-of-arms for Ireland XVI; long loose overcoat of rough cloth introduced by J. G. McGee & Co. of Belfast, capital of Ulster XIX. Name of the most northerly province of Ireland, the earlier form of which was Ulvester — ON. Ulfastir, also Ulaztir, Ulaðstir, f. Ir. Ulaidh men of Ulster; the el. -ster is perh. to be referred to (O)Ir. tír land = L. terra.

The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology T. F. HOAD

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views updated Jun 27 2018

ul·ster / ˈəlstər/ • n. a man's long, loose overcoat of rough cloth, typically with a belt at the back.

The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English

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Ulster | Encyclopedia.com (2024)
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