Wizard101 Secret Trainers Guide (2024)

Got all your spells? Are you sure? There are a number of trainers scattered around the Spiral who might have something you need! We’ll be looking at all the often over-looked trainers that you might have missed, how to find them, and what they offer. We’ll also discuss how their offers relate to your PvP career.

Today we’ll be visiting:

1) Sabrina Greenstar – Wizard City Fairgrounds
2) Mortis – Nightside
3) Dworgyn – Nightside
4) Mildred Farseer – Colossus Blvd.

5) Tish’mah – Krokotopia
6) Niles – Krokotopia
7) Alharazed – Krokotopia
8) Croaky – Marleybone

Sabrina Greenstar in the Wizard City Fairgrounds

The easiest to find of them all, but can’t assume anything. Sabrina can be found in the Wizard City Commons’ Fairgrounds. On the left hand side of the carousel. At level 10, you can pick up an 80% shield for your own school for free.

Wizard101 Secret Trainers Guide (1)

Recommendations: Only pick up the shield that is free. Do not spend your training points on any other shield.

Mortis in Wizard City’s Nightside

How to get there: In the commons go underneath the waterfall. You will see the entrance to Cave to Nightside. At level 15, you can get these spells. All of these are useless, except for infection.

Wizard101 Secret Trainers Guide (2)

Recommendation: Pick up your free spell only. Train infection if you are a serious pvp player. Infection is necessary to cut off your opponent’s heals. The only other way is to use entangle (dispel life) or use doom and gloom. However, if you play wizards for pve only, do not train infection.

Dworgyn in Wizard City’s Nightside

How to get to Dworgyn: From Mortis, turn around and go to the building on the left. Dworgyn is where you go to get death spells above Vampire.

Wizard101 Secret Trainers Guide (3)


In the past, many PvP balance players trained death to feint (7 tps) in order to get a good damage spike with a bladed, feinted judge. In PvE, training death to feint can be useful for the feint. However the spells up to feint are not very useful unless you have a death mastery amulet. You can now buy treasure card feints at the bazaar, garden for them, and at higher levels you can get amulets with feint. Think hard before you train death to feint. You have to ask yourself is 7 training points for feint worth it?

Mildred Farseer in Wizard City’s Colossus Boulevard

The next trainer is Mildred Farseer in Coldstone Cottage on Colossus Boulevard. How to get to Mildred…. Run to Mindy PixieCrown. See that little path in the picture? Follow it. Takes you right to Mildred. Mildred offers life trap, which all life wizards can get free at level 10. She offers 7 dispels at level 22. You get the dispel for your school for free when you reach level 22, so remember to come here to get it. Nobody ever tells you. Last, but not least you can train reshuffle at level 20.

Wizard101 Secret Trainers Guide (4)


From a PvP standpoint, reshuffle is absolutely necessary. Balance players get reshuffle for free. If you do not train reshuffle, your alternatives are to carry it in your side deck, or get a pet that gives you a reshuffle card. You can buy treasure card reshuffles from the bazaar or the library.

Some PvP players train other schools’ dispels; the most common being entangle. Entangle dispels your opponent’s life spells, good if you are fighting a life wizard and/or trying to cut off your opponents healing. The downside is it costs you 2 pips to cast. Your opponent can cast any life spell (i.e. a life wand spell) to get rid of entangle, and a pet spritely/unicorn will also get rid of the dispel. PvE only players do not need to train reshuffle, nor do they need to train other schools’ dispels. Save your training points for other spells.

Tish’mah in Krokotopia’s Oasis

The Secret Shop. This is a tricky shop to get to. From the spiral gate turn left and go across the second rope bridge past the recipe vendors. Veer left and you will see a teleporter in between two towers. The towers must be lit all the way to the top. This can take a long time. If the red line is at the bottom, I suggest you switch realms until you get to one that is like the one in the picture above. Or, you may get lucky and find one that is lit all the way.

Wizard101 Secret Trainers Guide (5)

Here is one lit all the way. The teleporter will be lit also. Just step onto the teleporter. And, you are there! Great view from here. You can go inside the building and talk to the shopkeeper. There is nothing interesting to buy there except maybe the Krok pet which sells for 1500 gold. Go to the roof and you will see Tish’mah. He has myth manipulation spells from level 10 – 25, free to myth.

Wizard101 Secret Trainers Guide (6)

Recommendation: Do not train any of these spells if you are not myth.

Niles in Krokotopia’s Krokosphinx

To get to Niles, you must ride the boat to the Krokosphinx. If you cannot board the boat, you have to ask a friend with access to go there so you can port to them. It’s tempting to get elemental trap at level 15 and spirit trap at level 20, but don’t do it. It’s a waste of training points because they cost 1 pip to cast. Also in PvP, traps are not the best tactic to use. They are easy to counter.

Wizard101 Secret Trainers Guide (7)


If you do pve only, train spirit blade if you are death, life, or myth. Train elemental blade if you are storm, fire, or ice. If you do pvp, it’s up to the individual and how they like to play. If you are ice, training elemental blade is useful because you do not get your school ice blade until level 38. For fire, stacking an elemental blade with a regular blade can be helpful for a big one hit Heckhound. For storm, training elemental blade is not as useful since storm usually does not have time to blade stack, deal with shields, and keep health up. For life, death, and myth, training spirit blade can be helpful, particularly because the damage output from a spirit school is low.

Alhazred in Krokotopia’s Krokosphinx

How to get there. Go to the Krokosphinx. Climb down the ladder. Not much of interest here except for balance spells. Low level balance spells through power play can be picked up from Arthur Wethersfeld in Ravenwood, so you won’t need to come here unless you are balance and need to pick up Spectral Blast, Donate Power, and Hydra.

Wizard101 Secret Trainers Guide (8)

Croaky in Marleybone’s Digmoore Station

To get to Croaky, go to Digmoore Station. Head down the stairs behind Mayor Pimsbury to the Air Dales Hideaway. At level 25, you can pick up a free minion manipulation spell.

Wizard101 Secret Trainers Guide (9)

Recommendation: Pick up your free spell and nothing else.

Have you found all these hidden trainers yet?
Let us know in a comment below!

  • Wizard101 Secret Trainers Guide (10)
  • Wizard101 Secret Trainers Guide (11)
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Wizard101 Secret Trainers Guide (2024)


What is the hardest hitting school in Wizard101? ›

Here is a list of the schools in the order of their strength, along with their average strength.
  • Storm (478)
  • Fire (368)
  • Myth (365)
  • Ice (359)
  • Death (333)
  • Life (323)
  • Balance (292)

How do you get one in a million badge in Wizard101? ›

What is One in a Million? One in a Million is a Wizard101 badge that is rewarded to people that do 1 million damage or higher to an enemy in one hit. How is that even possible? Before attempting your million, you're gonna need some gold for treasure cards you might buy.

How to get to level 100 fast in Wizard101? ›

Doing your quests is the best way to reach level 100. Leveling up in Wizard101 takes patience. If you go too quick, then the game won't be as fun. It is good to enjoy the game at a slow pace.

What is the easiest solo class in Wizard101? ›

Honestly, life, death, and ice are probably the best options for soloing, life because of all the healing, and can usually manage their own, death because of the sapping health and feint is a huge help, ice because of the great resist and tank health, no class is able to solo the whole game, but some can come pretty ...

What is the highest damage class in Wizard101? ›

Storm is the most powerful, but it also has the lowest accuracy. It all depends on what you want.

What is the most powerful spell in Wizard101? ›

One opponent Judgement PERIOD is the most effective spell considering damage potential and accuracy. More than one opponent Storm Lord. The strongest spell in the game is definately wild bolt.

Who has the most hours in Wizard101? ›

Most Wizard101 Playtime Ladder (Worldwide)
#Steam IDPlaytime (H)
159 more rows

What is the max level of Wizard101? ›

With the addition of the first half of Khrysalis, Wizards can now reach the maximum of level 95!

What is the max gold in Wizard101? ›

Gold is very necessary to ease your progression through the game, so make sure you get a lot! Wizards under level 80 can have a maximum gold of 300,000. Wizards level 80-90 can have a maximum gold of 350,000.

What plant gives the most XP in wizard101? ›

There are plants like Couch Potatoes and Evil Magma Peas that give great xp plus reagents and pet snacks. There are plants like Key Limes and King Parsley that multiply easily and just give lots of low level snacks and treasure cards that you can sell for gold.

What is the easiest boss in wizard101? ›

Hardest boss: Young Morganthe. Easiest boss: Luska.

What is the strongest wizard101? ›

  • Storm has the highest damage. They also get Tempest, which is the most useful AoE in the game as you can use it with any amount of pips. ...
  • Fire has the second highest damage, but it is mostly split into DoTs. DoTs take multiple rounds, and work very poorly with traps. ...
  • Death has the lowest damage of the three, barely.
Aug 6, 2023

What is the hardest school in wizard101? ›

Re: hardest schoool? To me, the Life School was definitely the hardest in the beginning, due to the lack of an AoE spell. Once I got Forest Lord, my battle experience was completely different. Now, as a higher level, I don't see as many of these challenges anymore.

What age group plays wizard101? ›

as implied by the rating (e10), the game is for all ages 10 and up. this means that,by the age of 10, most children are emotionally mature enough to discern between fantasy and reality, and that those who can't (or who aren't old enough) should not be playing unless closely supervised by an adult.

Can you solo Jotun wizard101? ›

If you jump right into the center room, expecting to defeat Jotun, you're in for a very tough battle. If you really want to solo Jotun (and yes, it's possible with all schools), you need to take the time to defeat his brothers in the two side rooms. That way, they won't be available to help him when the time comes.

What is the strongest wizard school? ›

The School of Divination is one of the most deceptively powerful schools available to wizards.

What is the best school for Wizards 101? ›

Best schools for soloing are Fire, Ice, Life and Death. Best schools for supporting others are Balance, Life, Ice and Death. Best schools for hitting hard are Storm, Fire, Myth and Life. Best schools for effective mastery of a second school are Balance and Death.

What school has the highest accuracy Wizard101? ›

For storm, the strongest school in terms of DPP, their accuracy is 70% for regular spells and 65% for shadow-enhanced spells. For fire, the second strongest school, their accuracy is 75% for regular spells and 70% for shadow-enhanced spells.

What is the strongest Wizard101? ›

  • Storm has the highest damage. They also get Tempest, which is the most useful AoE in the game as you can use it with any amount of pips. ...
  • Fire has the second highest damage, but it is mostly split into DoTs. DoTs take multiple rounds, and work very poorly with traps. ...
  • Death has the lowest damage of the three, barely.
Aug 6, 2023

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